We create timereports that is powerful and easy to use.

Building time report system that push things forward

Extko is here to simplify your time management and elevate your productivity to new heights.

Welcome to book an unconditional video call with us where we get to know your organization and your needs.

Call Us At 212-946-2700

    Contact us if you have any query

    Let's make something great together and let your brand shine

    Unleash the Power of Flexibility

    At Extko, we believe in giving you the tools to shape time management according to your unique needs.

    They’re partners that inspire us to drive ongoing results

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Digital Marketing FAQs

    What social media sites do you work with?

    We primarily leverage HubSpot’s email marketing and automation tools to manage email marketing and lead nurturing campaigns for our clients.

    Do you offer marketing strategy and creation?

    We primarily leverage HubSpot’s email marketing and automation tools to manage email marketing and lead nurturing campaigns for our clients.

    How does a paid search campaign work?

    We primarily leverage HubSpot’s email marketing and automation tools to manage email marketing and lead nurturing campaigns for our clients.

    How do I pay for agency fees?

    We primarily leverage HubSpot’s email marketing and automation tools to manage email marketing and lead nurturing campaigns for our clients.

    We help brands to create their identities and tell visual stories

    Our Location

    Our Location

    Midtown Manhattan
    110 W 34th St, New York

    Let’s Talk

    Let’s Talk

    (+1) 212-946-2700
    (+1) 212-946-2701

    We're Hiring!


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